Speciality Restaurants Pvt. Ltd. Sets Sail on a ₹100 Crore Grand Odyssey

Speciality Restaurants Pvt. Ltd. is poised to embark on a grand odyssey with an investment of ₹100 crore, sweeping across Bengal to unveil novel gastronomic delights!

This esteemed culinary enterprise is set to weave a tapestry of culinary excellence across Bengal, unfurling new dining havens in SaltLake, Rajarhat, Alipore, Durgapur, Siliguri, and Darjeeling over the next biennium.

Behold the marvels that await:
🔖 In the enchanting realm of SaltLake, two splendid restaurant-cum-bars shall grace the skyline within the next celestial cycle.
🔖 Rajarhat, with its burgeoning allure, shall witness the blossoming of two new establishments by the dawn of the morrow.
🔖 Alipore, amidst the architectural opulence of a nascent mall, shall bestow upon us three resplendent venues.
🔖 The illustrious Haka brand, synonymous with culinary innovation, shall unfurl its banner across districts, casting a spell with new restaurant-cum-bars.

Anjan Chatterjee, the Chairman and MD, exclaims, “We are elated to unveil our diverse array of brands to Kolkata and beyond. Our pledge extends beyond mere expansion; we are steadfast in nurturing and harnessing local talent through our esteemed training centre in Salt Lake, offering a beacon of hope to aspiring souls from rustic hinterlands.”

But behold, dear patrons, for there is more to come! By the illustrious year of 2026, Speciality Restaurants shall cast its enchanting spell upon the global stage, unveiling new sanctuaries of culinary bliss in Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, Chennai, and even the iconic streets of  London, with a maiden voyage of MainlandChina‘s exquisite charm!


