Marketing in the Digital Era

Digital marketing is the use of digital channels or technologies to sell or promote a product or service. Content marketing, email marketing, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and SEO all fall under the umbrella of digital marketing.

Put more simply: if you’re being nudged to buy something when you’re online, then that’s digital marketing at work. 

Mr. Santanu Mukherjee, Director – INT (Indus Net Technologies) has explained the importance the digital marketing for any business in an exclusive interview with

Briefly explain Digital Marketing.
Digital Marketing is just another form of Marketing. Here Marketing or
promotion is done using Digital Medium. The basics of marketing remains
Digital Marketing helps in precise audience targeting based on user behaviour
analysis in a focused region.
The Top of Mind Recall is created through online Brand Engagements and Social
Advocacy .
What are the types of Digital Marketing in the industry?
Digital Marketing can be for Branding , Sales, Reputation Management etc. For
Search heavy industries , google plays a significant role through SEO and
Adwords. Search Heavy means where people search google to make a decision.
Like Booking a Hotel.
There are industries where Search does not play a predominated role. For
example biscuits and cookies. We don’t search Google to decide the Cookies
brand. That decision is made by Top of Mind Recall and Social Influence. Here
Profile Targeting or Social Media plays more important role than Google.
Apart from this there are affiliate marketing , Paid Campaigns ,Influencer
Campaign etc.

List a few disadvantages of Digital Marketing.
Digital Marketing as a subject does not have any disadvantage. The problem is
when people who are practicing the same does not have enough knowledge.
Hence it is important to observe the KPIs and make sure you are not bidding
money on a profile who is neither your customer or influencer.

List a few Digital Marketing trends for 2023.
a. AI/ML is now playing a big role in Digital Marketing. Be it understanding
consumer behaviour or making the UX a smooth experience.
b. Voice Search is coming up in a big way and hence optimisation pattern is

What are the most effective ways to increase traffic to your website?
a. Website traffic can be
i. Direct Traffic- Influenced by Traditional Ads or Top of mind Recalls.

ii. Search Traffic- Traffic Originating from Search Engine. Result of good
optimisation for relevant keywords.
iii. Social Traffic- Traffic coming from Social Media platforms like
Facebook, Twitter etc
iv. Paid Traffic- Traffic coming from Paid ads
v. 3 rd Party- Traffics triggered due to presence of the sitelink in external
articles and blogs.
So if by Digital Marketing Strategy the above sources can be boosted then the
traffic will increase.

How can you drive digital traffic to your site immediately?
a. Traffic generation can be divided as a long term and short term. While Online
Ads help in quick traffic generation, but the bounce rate is usually more.
Organic Efforts helps in increase of much targeted traffic with better
conversion and less bounce rate but that may take some time.
b. Use of QR code in offline promotion also helps in quick increase of traffic.
Do you need Digital Marketing if you are already into Offline Marketing
Off course you need. Digital Marketing is a part of 360 degree marketing and is
an important touch point. It helps in creating positive sentiment , understand
market feedback and helps to customise the communication as per audience
How you measure success in Digital Marketing.
Digital Marketing is fully data driven. So KPI’s can be fixed with respect to the
results vs the marketing cost. CPL (Cost Per Lead) and CPA (Cost Per Acquisition)
can be a good matrix to understand the campaign success. Also how the CPL and
CPA is lowered with time also gives a clear indication on the success of strategy.
For Brand Campaigns, measurement of reach and engagement is a the key indicator.