Brands Can Reduce Climate Impact

Humanity faces no bigger threat than climate change, and the fashion industry needs to take responsibility for our role in warming the planet. We look at what the issues are, and what steps fashion can take to clean up its act.


Key Takeaways

  • Limiting the damage from climate change requires cutting net greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050, and every industry has a part to play
  • The fashion industry is responsible for around 2-4 percent of all manmade greenhouse gas emissions, and that percentage is set to grow
  • Most emissions come from raw materials, so improving the way we produce polyester and cotton could have a huge impact
  • Challenging the current fast fashion ethos of the industry is going to be essential in the fight against global warming


Four ways fashion brands can reduce the negative effects of fashion

1. Replace: switch raw materials

With raw materials making up the majority of a garment’s climate impact switching fabrics can help. According to Textile Exchange, mechanically recycled polyester generates 70 percent less emissions than virgin polyester.

2. Reduce: make energy savings along the value chain

Beyond the materials stage, firms can reduce energy use in their warehouses, stores and offices.

3. Recycle: invest in systems to re-use rather than throw away clothes

Brands have a role to play in educating consumers about repairing and recycling their clothes. Several brands have in-store collection points for garments at the end of their life, which can be recycled, or resold for charity. 

4. Rethink: change the disposable fast fashion culture

Ultimately, for the fashion industry to make a positive impact on the climate, the culture of fashion needs to change. 

The future of fashion may be a service that replaces ownership with fast on-demand rental of fashion from a limitless global pool of outfits.